luni, 23 noiembrie 2009

Da, imi plac caii / Yes, i love horses

Nu stiu de ce, dar imi plac foarte mult caii. Cand ii privesc simt doar liniste si am impresia ca ei sunt stapanii lumii. Cred ca dau dovada de o mare siguranta, ca sa nu mai zic de calm. nu i-am vazut niciodata sa se enerveze, sa dea din picioare sau sa loveasca pe cineva. Bine, daca n-au fost loviti sau enervati si atunci nu este vina lor, ci doar a oamenilor. Credem ca suntem cei mai sus pe scara evolutiei, dar eu am mari dubii, mai ales cand vine vorba de anumite persoane. N-o sa le mentionez aici, caci stiu ele singure care sunt. Caii vor doar sa-si faca datoria, sa le fie de folos stapanilor, sa se odihneasca si apoi sa manance. Sa fie impreuna cu familia si asteapta sa vina a doua zi ca s-o ia de la capat cu treaba. Ca si oamenii, de altfel. Ciudat, nu?

English translation

I dont know why, but I really like horses.
When i watch them, i feel just peace and I feel that they are masters of the world. I think that showed a high safety, not to say calm. I never ever seen horses to get angry, give the feet or hit someone. Well, if he had been hit or angry and then it is not their fault, but the people.
We belive that we are above in evolution, but I have big doubts, especially when it comes to certain people. No to mention here, because I know they themselves are. The horses wants just to do their duty, to be useful to the owners, to rest and then eat. To be with family and expected to come the next day as it takes over again to work. Like people, indeed. Weird, huh?

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