Esti idioata, ce ai? ma intreaba ea. De ce, zic eu, ce am facut?
Pai se duce naibii aparatul, de ce crezi ca se recomanda sa-ti inchizi telefoanele si sa nu folosesti nimic electronic pe timpul zborului???
Ouch...asta m-a durut, dar nu cat m-ar fi durut daca se sctrica aparatul, ca era luat in rate, platite jumi-juma cu al meu frate. Poate ca Dumnezeu, vazandu-ma atat de aproape de El, a hotarat sa-mi mai dea o sansa, ca sa-l mai pot folosi si alta data cand Il vizitez. Oricum, stiu sigur ca aceste poze le voi tine minte cu siguranta.
Scuze frate, chiar nu stiam...si nici n-am fost atenta la indicatii....ca de obicei.
English translation
When I make this pictures I think just ... wow, i flight. And more than that, I have a camera wich i can make good pictures. And I did ... but I woke up with a book on my head, received from the mate who stay in front of my chair.
You are idiot or what? Why, i ask her. I say, what did I do?
The camera will be ruin, why do you think is recommended to close your phone and not use anything electronic in the time of flight??
Ouch ... that hurt, but not how I would be hurt if i ruin the camera that was take in installments, paid half-half with my brother. Perhaps God, seeing me so close to him, decided to give me a chance, that I can use the camera and another time whend i will make Him a visit. However, i know for sure that these pictures will be kept in my mind for sure.
Sorry brother, I really do not know ... and i never paid attention to indications... as usual.

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