Acum ceva timp m-am gandit si razgandit...si-am hotarat c-ar fi bine totusi sa mai fac si altceva in afara papusilor sau a fotografiilor. Am primit de la cineva cateva carti despre pictura si le-am scanat. Din pacate nu prea reusesc sa intru sa ma uit pe calculator si printate cred ca nu s-ar vedea cum trebuie. Oricum, zilele acestea, pentru ca inca eram in concediul de sarbatori, am intrat pe net si-am cautat lectii despre pictura. Sunt o multime de site-uri pe net care ofera aceste lectii, marea majoritate daca te inscrii la cursuri. Deci....no way, n-am sanse. Si mai sunt si site-urile unde totul e gratuit si inveti sa pictezi cateva tablouri. Mai bine decat nimic, nu? Asa am gasit acest site www.anyonecanpaint.org si un (sau poate singurul) pictor. Lectiile gratuite erau bazate pe filmulete...cam de vreo 90 de minute fiecare. Deci, rabdare...rabdare...rabdare. Mi-am pus nervii in frau si am parcurs timpul alocat in filmulet. Si la sfarsit, am fost mandra de ce am realizat urmarind filmuletul si pictand in acelasi timp.
Desi nu am avut o panza mare, nici macar pregatita pentru pictura(am vazut ca nenea Tim daduse cu ceva pe ea...habar n-am cu ce), culori de departe asemanatoare celor folosite de el, pensule ioc(am unele de le zboara parul numai daca te uiti urat la ele hahaha :) ) si experienta....ce-i aia??? So...trebuie sa marturisesc totusi ca nu ma asteptam sa iasa asa...E o palida imitatie a ceea ce-a facut el acolo, dar e a mea. N-am folosit solventi, diluanti....nimic. De ce? Pentru ca am un bebe mic in casa si a lui mama m-ar trece in lumea celor drepti daca as folosi chestii chimice si mirositoare in casa. Stiu ce-o sa-mi spuneti, ca n-o sa se usuce in vecii vecilor amin (fiind culori in ulei) dar n-am avut incotro. Deci...asa arata "minunata" mea creatie.
Vedeti si originalul...nu cred ca o sa fie greu sa va dati seama care e. Multumesc Tim, oriunde te afli acum.
Some time ago I thought and mind ... and I decided it would be better still do something else besides dolls or photographs. I received from someone a few books about painting and I scanned. Unfortunately i dont have to much time to watch on the computer and printed I could not see properly. However, these days, because I was still on home for the holidays, I went on the net and looking for painting lesson . There are lots of sites on the net that offers such lessons, most If you enroll in courses. So .... no way, no chance. And are sites where everything is free and learn to paint few painting. Better than nothing, right? So I found this site www.anyonecanpaint.org and a (or only) painter. Free lessons were based on movies ... of about 90 minutes. So be patient with the cart. I put my nerves under control and we go in time for movie. And finally, I was proud of what I made watching movies and painting at the same time.
Although I didnt have a large canvas, not even ready for painting (I saw that Uncle Tim had put something on it ... I have no idea what), colors like those used on him, brushes IOC (I have some that hair fly whend you look ugly at them hahaha:)) and experience .... what is that??? So ... I must confess however that I never expected it to come out ... It's a pale imitation of what he did there, but is mine. I havent used solvents, thinners .... nothing. Why? Because I have a small baby in the house and his mother moved me into the world of the righteous if I use chemicals and smelly stuff in the house. I know what you tell me that no forever to dry in Amin (the colors in oil) but I had no choice. So ... that it looks "beautiful" my creation.
You see the original ... I do not think will be hardly realize what is it.
Thanks Tim, wherever you are now.
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