luni, 8 februarie 2010

Ritmurile Eladei/ Hellas rhytms

Primul meu impuls atunci cand am aflat ca o sa ma duc in Grecia acum cativa ani, a fost sa caut muzica. Nu stiu de ce. Nu ma interesa pozitia geografica, clima, gastronomia sau mai stiu eu ce. Nu. Muzica. De ce, nu as sti sa va spun. Cautand printre artisti, am dat peste EL. Giannis Ploutarxos. Cred ca pana acum nici un artist nu a reusit sa-mi provoace atata placere ascultand o melodie. (stiam eu ca va ganditi la prostii). Au trecut...cred ca 3 sau 4 ani de atunci (sper sa nu ma insel prea tare) si eu tot pe el in ascult. De ce? Pentru ca are un tibru vocal foarte placut si e ceva diferit fata de ce ascultasem eu pana atunci. Aici aveti doar cateva mostre a ceea ce poate insemna un artist adevarat, un om ce aduce tristete dar si bucurie in sufletele oamenilor prin muzica pe care o canta.
Sper sa va placa la fel de mult cat imi place si mie.

My first impulse when I find that I will go to Greece a few years ago, was to look for music. Do not know why. Not interested geographical position, climate, cuisine or what not. No. Music. Why I do not know to say. Looking among artists, I find him. Giannis Ploutarxos. I think any artist so far failed to cause me so much pleasure listening to a song. (I knew you think of the crap). Past ... I think 3 or 4 years since then (I hope I'm not mistaken too much) and I keep him in listening. Why? Because has a very nice voice timber and is something different from what I hear before. Here you have only a few samples of what it can mean a real artist, a man who brings sadness but also joy in people's hearts through music he sing.
I hope you'll enjoy as much as I like, too.

Giannis Ploutarxos - Poio Stoma Kaiei Tora Ta Xeili Soy

Giannis Ploutarxos - An thumitheis to oneiro mou

Giannis Ploutarxos - Mhpos Soy Zhthsa Polla

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