Ce-i de facut cand ai un nepotel cu mania muzicii? Cauti ce-i place. Si lui ii place melodia din reclama de la orange rulata de sarbatorile de iarna. Mama...cat am mai cautat melodia asta...Nu stia nimeni cine o canta, daca se poate lua de pe net...nimic. Pana la urma am avut norocul sa dau peste ea pe un site si apoi, descoperind cine o canta, am cautat...tot pe youtube, normal. Nu cred ca este alt loc (cel putin eu nu cunosc) unde sa se gaseasca aproape toate melodiile pe care la cauti. Asa am putut sa-l multumesc pe Andu si sa-i fac ziua mai frumoasa. Ce nu faci pentru cei dragi, nu? Enjoy it!
What you can do when you have an little nephew with music mania? Looking for what he liked. And he like the song from the Orange comercial who run in winter holidays. Mom ... how manny time I searched for this song ... I didnt knew who sings it, if i can take it from the net ... nothing. Eventually I was lucky to come across it on a website and then discover who sings it, I searched on youtube ... of course. I do not think that is a different place (at least I do not know) where to find almost all the songs you look. So I could make Andu happy and make him a more beautiful day. What you do for your loved ones, right? Enjoy it!
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