Daca tot sunt centrata pe muzica zilele astea, iata inca o melodie. Imi plac Nickelback de cand ma stiu. Bine...e cam mult spus asa. De cand am auzit prima data o melodie a lor. Cred ca era compusa pentru un film....Spiderman sau ceva de genul. Atunci mi s-au deschis gusturile spre mai multe genuri de muzica. Desi nu ii ascult tot timpul si doar cand nu sunt cu nimeni in camera, din cand in cand imi place sa ma "destrabalez" putin. Asa ca...ascult muzica ce altora nu le place :D.
Because i'm are centered on music these days, here's another song. I like Nickelback since I know. Well ... it's not so much say so. Since I heard for the first time a song of their own. I think it was composed for a movie .... Spiderman or something. Then It opened my taste to several genres of music. Although not listening all the time and only when i'm not with anyone in the room, from time to time I like "wanton" a little bit. So ...i'm listen the music that others do not like: D.
Nickelback - Rockstar
Nickelback Savin' Me
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